I miss cafés
My one little luxury.... gone
Being alone, or meeting a friend
Sitting quietly or chatting excitedly
People watching
The coffee
Rich and smooth
Silky and foamy
Dark and seductive
The coffee cup and saucer
Cool, ceramic
Clean, white
The space
Comfortable and cozy
Stylish and minimalist
Old and rustic
Urban or rural
Shabby chic
A haven amidst the chaos
A retreat away from it all
A break that clears my head
Lifts my mood and keeps me going
I miss cafés SO much....
That I made my own...at home!
So now I go 'out' to my Garden Cafe
Admittedly, I have to serve my own coffee and it doesn't taste as good
And I drink it from a mug, not a cup and saucer
But the sun is out
And my cats purr
And the world seems just a little bit better
Many of us miss aspects of our pre COVID-19 lives
But maybe, with a little imagination, we can simulate, recreate, and in doing so, we may learn that there is a lot of joy in living more simply...